The NSF supported workshop on Integrating Software Testing into Programming Courses (WISTPC 09) is jointly hosted by Florida International University (FIU) and Florida A&M University (FAMU) and will be located at FIU on March 16th and 17th, 2009.
The objectives and outcomes of the workshop are as follows:
Presentations & Practical Sessions:
Distinguished Guest Speaker, Dr. Cem Kaner (Florida Tech)
Session A: Unit Testing, Tariq King (Florida International University)
Session B: Web-Based Testing, Michael Longin (Ultimate Software)
Session C: Introduction to WReSTT, Dr. Peter J. Clarke (FIU)
Session D: Web Center for Automated Testing, Dr. Stephen Edwards, (Virginia Tech)
Session E: Functional Testing, Susann Ulrich, (IBM)
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